Written by Lukas Nash
As people in Santa Fe and the surrounding area are probably aware of, rain barrels are increasing rapidly in popularity for New Mexico households. Many of you either already have rain barrels, or have seen them at the homes of friends and family. Many of you have probably seen our Santa Fe and Albuquerque Rain Barrels just driving around town!
Many of us in this dry climate are beginning to realize the importance of water conservation in our lives, and this is an issue which is turning more and more serious as the days go by. Throughout the country, the water catchment market has been growing rapidly, and probably will not slow down until the future of our water is much more secure. Rain barrels and cisterns are an easy and effective way to conserve water and keep your plants lush and green. We are committed to providing quality rain barrels, cisterns, tanks, and other water harvesting systems for the cheapest price in the Santa Fe, Albuquerque area. The earlier we start conserving, the less work we will need to do in the future to have water secure lives.
I hope that we can be of service for any of your water catchment needs!