Albuquerque Rain Barrels

Jan 21, 2010 | News

As the snow blankets the ground and the animals around us prepare themselves for a period of scarce food in the late fall, my father and owner of Santa Fe Rain Barrels, makes his own migration to warmer climates. His trips serve as a break from both the cold and his work, seeing as the business tends to slow down in accordance with what we see in nature. In this light, my dad has left the rain barrel business in my hands until his return in the spring. I am currently a student at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and generally will do work for the business on weekends when homework isn’t the only thing on my mind. The majority of our business is during the warm, summer months, and therefore the general pace of the work during this time is easier to keep up with in addition to school.

Being in Albuquerque, I will drive to Santa Fe–where our business is located–on weekends in order to serve customers. Although the majority of our sales in Santa Fe, we are continuing to increase business in Albuquerque, and want to serve Albuquerque more in the future. During the summer, wholesale deliveries are sent to various nurseries in Albuquerque, and although this does not continue into the winter, orders are accepted either to be picked up or delivered, depending on the circumstance. We are hoping to increase our clientele in Albuquerque and to provide not only Santa Fe rain barrels, but Albuquerque rain barrels, to all that are in need.

We welcome requests for whatever our clients are looking for as far as rain barrels, tanks & cisterns, and other water harvesting systems in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Let’s continue to conserve water!