Water Harvesting During the Dry Season

Jun 21, 2010 | News

The days have been getting hotter and hotter building up to the Summer Solstice that is now upon us, and little moisture has come to alleviate any discomfort caused by our high desert’s heat and dryness. Although the recent weather can discourage people from outdoor activities such as gardening due to a shortage of water, this only gives more of a reason for us to collect the rain water when we are fortunate enough to recieve it. Santa Fe Rain Barrels continues to have a large supply of rain barrels to aid in the development of more sustainable water in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, as well as other nearby areas. We also have a regular supply of discount tanks and cisterns, totes, and water catchment supplies. We are committed to helping out with all of our clients’ water catchment needs.

Let’s minimize the effect of this dry period that we are in by being more sustainable with our water usage. Please come to us for any needs, questions, or concerns regarding water harvesting and rain barrels in Santa Fe and Albuquerque.