Well the rainy season is upon us and there is no better time to get your water tanks, cisterns or rain barrels.
We at Santa Fe Rain Barrels have been busy filling orders and selling tanks. We even got a few landscaping jobs, in spite of ourselves!
Although this is the monsoon season, the amount of rain has been less than impressive. It’s like one of my customers told me the other day, “we are in year 10 of a fifty year drought”. Did you know that over half of the U.S.A. is in a severe drought?
Now I have heard similar statements before, but for some reason this time it made a big impression on me. We can hope she is wrong, or we can prepare ourselves and change our lifestyle and do what we can to conserve water, and re-use grey water.
That is pretty much our choice as I see it. Praying for divine intervention is also an excellent idea, which might be what it takes to get the moisture we need on this parched earth. Anyway, call us for all of your rainwater harvesting needs, and thanks for your business.