Rain Barrels and Water Tanks in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos

Sep 11, 2018 | News

Well it looks like the monsoon season is winding down finally. I wasn’t sure what to expect this year after such a dry winter, but am happily surprised at all the nice rain we have had in the last 2 months. The arroyo by my house became a river 6 times this year, which is a new record!

We have had a busy season selling rain barrels and water tanks to all of our customers in Albuquerque and Santa Fe and Taos too!

We are also selling lots of Poly-Mart water tanks to people in the East Mountains of Albuquerque. These water tanks are really superior quality, and I think people are beginning to realize that these tanks are better than anything else available in Northern New Mexico. I see tanks of much less quality selling for about the same price. Why buy an inferior water tank for the same price?

OK so that’s all for now. Many thanks for all the rain barrel and water tank purchases to all my water harvesting friends in Santa Fe and Albuquerque!

Three Green Poly-Mart Water Tanks