Winter Water Harvesting

Winter Water Harvesting

As the holiday season takes a hold of us, the weather is getting colder and plants remain dormant, waiting for the springtime to continue their growth. Outdoor activity is limited, and outdoor plants require very little attention while in their hibernating states....
Water Harvesting Around the World

Water Harvesting Around the World

As the human population increases, the resources that our race is in need of to survive decrease, bringing ways to live sustainably into the forefront of our existence. As water is a key factor for the existence of life, access to it is of utmost importance, and...
Santa Fe Rain Barrels Migration

Santa Fe Rain Barrels Migration

Hello everyone. This winter we will be open for sales of rain barrels, cisterns, and all other water harvesting systems, although we will be pausing all wholesale accounts until next spring. During the winter months, there is very little to no gardening and watering...
Rain Barrel Revolution

Rain Barrel Revolution

As people in Santa Fe and the surrounding area are probably aware of, rain barrels are increasing rapidly in popularity for New Mexico households. Many of you either already have rain barrels, or have seen them at the homes of friends and family. Many of you have...
Years of Water Catchment

Years of Water Catchment

After ten years selling rain barrels, we have come a very long way in the water catchment business. Our methods have improved extensively since my dad first began the endeavor, and we have steadily developed from our days vending “food storage” barrels behind our...
Rain Barrels in the Southwest Desert

Rain Barrels in the Southwest Desert

Although it may not hit you with the water that comes out of the sink at the turn of a nob and the many green parks and lush yards that scatter our cities, the American Southwest is a dry, arid desert. If you live anywhere between Southern California and New Mexico,...